On Monday U.S.
secret services stated that they have
successfully broken up an
assassination plot on the democratic
presidential candidate Barack Obama and 88 other African
Americans in the state of Tennessee. The court records state that federal agents foiled the plan of two N
Nazi skinheads trying to rob a gun store and target a
high school. The two men confessed in the court that they were planning to kill 88 African Americans and of those 88, 14 of them were to be beheaded. Senator Barack Obama
was to be their final target after
attempting to go on a national killing spree. The two men never actually thought they would be able to pull of their act. One of the N
Nazis is Daniel
Cowart who is pictured in the top right hand corner. The federal
agents who apprehended the two men later found the necessary legal documents that proved that the plotters were planning to "drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows". The men also stated that they were willing to die in the attempt. So there is no evidence that others are
involved in the plot.
The racism that still exists in the world is horrifying. Some would think that the racism in the U.S. would have died down a bit to a point when people are not going to run into schools and shoot every race they hate. It is a very good thing that federal agents know how to deal with these issues and are able to stop these plots from being carried out. It is also very unlikely that the two men part of this plot to assassinate Obama are the only ones involved. IT does not make sense how skin heads still exist. I think the next United States president should really begin to pass legislation enforcing human rights, whether it is McCain or Obama. The fact that these men's plot was to go into a school and after go on a cross country killing spree is unimaginable. If this does not give the government a good enough reason to limit arms distribution in the States I do not think anything will. These men were going to rob a gun store, which sold military grade weapons. What would the average American do with these weapons? You do not need a fully automatic rifle to go hunting.