Archeologists have recently discovered an 4,300 year old pyramid under the sands of Saqqara. Saqqara is an ancient burial site which is mostly unexplored but has recently unearthed a string of pyramids. The monument is beleived to have belonged to the mother of the founder of Eygpt's 6th dynasty and was built several hundred years after the Great Pyramids of Giza. The discovery was a part of the burial site of the rulers of Memphis, which was the capitol of Eygpt's old kingdom. All that is left of the pyramid 5m tall structure buried under 25m of sand. Zahi Hawass is Eygpt's chief of antiquities. His team was excavating at the site for over two years before they discovered that the structure they unearth was a pyramid. The structure they found was the base of the pyramid. From the evidence the excavating team found at the site they calculated that the pyramid was once 14m tall. This is the 118th pyramid discovered in Egypt so far. The diggers are about two weeks from being able to get into the tomb, but Hawass is sure that grave robbers looted the tomb long before.
This is a very exciting find. I never knew that archeologists were still unearthing pyramids and tombs in Eygpt. I could not beleive that this pyramid is the 118th found by archeologists. It is amazing how much is hidden underneath Egypt's desert sands. I also did not realize that grave robbers werw able to steal so many antiquities and treasures from the tombs. These tombs were buried under the sands for thousands of years how can they find them. The thieves must have stolen the treasures soon after the tomb was built. I was a little disapointed when the article stated that the finding was only the base of a pyramid. I was expecting it to be something like the Great Pyramids of Giza buried completely under the sands.