In my opinion the idea of someone actually having a laser powerful enough to blind a pilot momentarily seems ridiculous. First of all they planes are travelling very fast so how can it possible that someone on the ground can even aim into the cockpit. The cockpit is on the top side of the plane and the people aiming on the ground are underneath it. I think anyone caught doing it should be punished harsher because they could be putting people's careers and lives at risk. The fact that this is becoming a serious issue is ridiculous. I suggest that they fit planes with window panels that filter the light that goes through so pilots cannot be blinded by sudden flashes of light. I think pilots should be able to handle a tiny green laser beam if they are trained to fly through thunder storms safely. One can also ask why are such powerful laser pointed being distributed. Isn't their function to point a laser at something so wouldn't a low power red laser suffice? So some of the blame can be put on the companies are selling powerful laser pointers because no one really uses those lasers for anything productive.
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