Thursday, November 13, 2008

Congo rebels make roadblock out of bodies

The road that leads into rebel-controled Congo has been blocked by the two bodies of government soldiers laid across the road. The two soldiers were blocking the road that led into Congo's capital Goma. The scence was meant to warn government troops who fought the rebels recently. For the terrified civilians it is seen as a clear message that Congo's ruthless civil war is easing.  Over 250,000 people have been displaced in the vicious fighting between the army and the rebels loyal to Laurent Nkunda despite having the largest UN peacekeeping force in the world stationed there. Eastern Congo has been unstable since the millions of Tutsi and Hutu refugees fled across the border in Rwanda's 1994 genocide. Many of the Hutu extremists have remained in the region and are prompting the Tutsi-held Rwandan government to send troops into the Congo to flush them out. 

I do not think there will ever be peace in the Congo. This area of Africa has been fighting for years. There are just too many minority groups trying to get power. These groups are no willing to compromise for peace. They just want to eliminate the opposition so there is nothing stopping them from gaining absolute power. The UN peacekeepers are doing nothing to stem the violence. They are not positioned between the rebels and the government troops which is the most effective position for peacekeepers. The global community is just sitting back and not interfering with force as it should. This could be another genocide like the one in Rwanda if it is not one all ready. It is disgusting to realize that when a country in Africa is found with a resource of value the local community is displaced by wars. I do not understand how the other countries of the world found peace and but countries in Africa still have ruthless leaders slaughtering people to maintain control. 

1 comment:

Anthony Toptchi said...

I absolutely agree, I think Africa is a place that will never change, it it well its going to take a very long time! I think it is moslty the African governments fault. They are really corrupt and they dont care how many innocent women or children get tortured and slaughtered, they all just want money and they will help the minorities who are trying to get in power for a price. They will take bribes as an exchange for their own people! In Africa it is sadly everywhere. The gopvernemnt has to be replaces with good haerted carring people who should execute or take the power away from all the rebels and minorities. The other way is the survival of the fittest. The strongest rebel group shall win and than all of them will be eleminated, but that of course is a really bad sign. The first option is more likely to happen maybe one day.